If your business relies on vehicles, a personal auto insurance policy won’t provide the protection you need. Commercial auto insurance is specifically designed to cover business-owned vehicles and the unique risks associated with business operations.
When an accident happens, the costs can add up quickly. Medical bills, vehicle repairs, legal fees, and lost revenue can put a significant financial strain on your business. Commercial auto insurance helps cover these expenses, ensuring that you can recover quickly and continue operating without interruption.
In small businesses, the distinction between personal and commercial vehicle use can often be unclear. Employees might use their vehicles for business purposes like traveling to job sites, transporting equipment, or delivering products. Coverage for corporate use is typically excluded from a personal auto insurance policy, leaving you unprotected if an accident occurs while driving for work, except for commuting.
The main distinction between personal and commercial auto insurance is the ownership of the car. Your company's vehicles need to be insured by commercial auto insurance.
Commercial auto insurance from our Insurance Agency covers accidents occurring while you or your employees drive a company vehicle. Both personal and commercial policies cover legal and medical expenses related to accidents. However, commercial auto insurance typically offers higher coverage limits, covers a broader range of vehicles, and addresses more complex legal issues. A commercial policy generally includes all business employees as additional insureds, meaning any licensed employee can operate the car.
For comprehensive commercial auto insurance tailored to your business needs. Contact our Insurance Agency today.